Members of the Packings Division discussed 4 main projects at the Divisional meeting at the ESA AGM in Barcelona in May.

1. Packing Friction Project

Further pump tests with an expanded graphite packing were performed in June by Cetim. An updated calculation formula for packing pump friction which corresponds to the measured values on the pump test stands was developed. The formula will be incorporated into the Life Cycle Calculation program on the FSA website. A paper on the project findings was presented at a VDI Pump Conference in Germany last June.

2. Valve Characterisation Project

The current work program of the project will be finished this year. Cetim issued a draft guideline for packing gland and friction force optimization as well as an Excel sheet with a calculation program for gland loads and stem friction. The draft and the calculation sheet will be reviewed by Packings Division members.

3. Packings Training

The latest version of the training program was presented at the Division meeting. A voice over of the second chapter was finished. The voice over for the remaining chapters will be done until October. It is planned to make the packings training available on the ESA website until the end of the year.

4. ESA Packings Standard Draft 3

The latest draft document was discussed during the Division meeting. Member comments will be included in a new update.  It was agreed that the packing and impregnation definitions were too detailed. The packings table will be reviewed and re-drafted. Also specific test procedures to verify the quality of packings will be included.

Visit Members area for the Minutes of the meetings and other documents. If you don’t have the password, email Mark Neal.