This Division of the ESA represents manufacturers of all types of static and dynamic seals in elastomeric and plastic materials, and aims by combining knowledge and expertise to offer improved sealing performance to a wide range of industries through education, training, publications and joint research.
‘Just how accurate is Arrhenius Life Prediction for elastomeric seals?’
A major research project to give definitive data on how well users can rely on industry accepted techniques for life prediction of elastomeric seals in oilfield environments.
Latest development is a new project to see if alternative elastomer properties give more accurate prediction.
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‘Low temperature sealing capabilities’
Investigating the possibility of a new performance based test for low temperature elastomeric seals, reflecting the most common real world application conditions.
Preventing Seal Failure
By consulting the ESA ‘Success sealing with elastomers guide‘ to diagnose and prevent seal failures the cause of breakdown can be identified and a repeat prevented.