We are pleased to confirm that Chiara Sozzi from General Packings Italy SpA has joined the ESA’s Executive Committee as from May 2019. Chiara has kindly put together a short article about herself for those of you who have not met her yet.
You will also notice from the picture that Chiara recently got married. She looks lovely in the picture and from everybody on the Exec and members alike we wish you and your husband every happiness in the world.
Chiara has already attended two of the ESA Executive meetings and we look forward to her future involvement.
Letter of introduction from Chiara Sozzi
Where do I work?
I have been working for 3 years in General Packing Italy as procurement department manager. I joined GPI after 6 years in which I have been working in a totally different field that is the one of Fashion & Luxury – in the very first beginning I thought that these 2 areas have nothing to share – and if we just have a look to the technical points of view it is absolutely correct – the major teaching that provides the world of luxury is the attention to detail and the level of professionalism required, something absolutely useful no matter where you work.
Where do I live?
I live in Milan, not in downtown. In a green area just outside Milan – 15 minutes driving distance from the company where I work. In the past years I have been living in different cities in Italy from Rome to Florence but in the end, I feel at home when I am in Milan.
My passions
Two of my favourite hobbies are: travelling and sports – the perfect vacation for me is the one where I have the chance to practise sports every day; i.e. this summer I have booked a vacation in Spain experiencing some places where I can do Yoga; I love the kind of sports that combine breathing, meditation and that are challenging your body – my favourite are Yoga and Pilates. But I have always in my trolley the sneakers to go running; that is the easiest sport you can practise even when you are travelling for business purposes.
When I am not working or practising sports, I love laying on the sofa watching my favourite series – I have an addiction to Netflix – I suggest La Casa de Papel that has even improved my Spanish and Suits, for the NY lovers!