Last month, our website recorded 2,042 visitors who viewed a total of 3,061 pages, with an average time spent on the site of 36 seconds. Most visitors found us through search engines such as Google (870 visitors), while others came directly by typing in our web address (706 visitors), via social media (263 visitors), or through links on other websites (99 visitors) and emails (92 visitors). Interestingly, 93% of our visitors were visiting us for the first time! The most popular pages included our homepage, updates on PFAS restrictions, and the FSA spiral wound gasket test procedure. We had visitors from all over the world, with the majority coming from the United States, the United Kingdom, and India.

Our community on LinkedIn is growing too! Last month, we gained 443 new followers, bringing our total to 2,764. We shared 19 posts, and the engagement rate was a healthy 5.23%, showing that people are enjoying and interacting with our content. Our posts were viewed 9,116 times, with 477 reactions, comments, clicks, and shares.

Below is a more detailed breakdown of our website and LinkedIn traffic.

Website Statistics:

Total visitors: 2,042

Total page views: 3,061

AVG. Session Duration: 36s

Bounce Rate: 42,4%

Traffic from:

  • Organic search: 870
  • Direct: 706
  • Social: 263
  • Referral: 99
  • Email: 92

New vs. Returning Visitors

  • New: 93%
  • Returning: 7%

Top pages:

  1. European Sealing Association (Homepage)
  2. PFAS Restriction Update
  3. The FSA Spiral Wound Gasket Test Procedure Update
  4. Storytelling in Marketing: Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Storytelling in Marketing, Methods of Implementation in B2B Markets
  5. News page
  6. Flange Gaskets page
  7. Mechanical Seals page
  8. Position Statements page
  9. Contact page
  10. International Sealing Conference page

Top Countries:

  • United States: 257
  • United Kingdom: 206
  • India: 206
  • Germany: 190
  • France: 182
  • China: 144
  • Netherlands: 84
  • Italy: 77
  • Spain 75
  • Belgium 42

LinkedIn Statistics:

Total followers: 2,764

New followers since July: 443

Total page views this month: 83

Unique visitors this month: 41

Impressions this month: 9,116

Engagement this month (reactions, comments, clicks and reposts): 477

Engagement rate: 5,23%

Total posts this month: 19

All in all, it has been a great month for sharing our activities. We’d love to keep this momentum going and hear from you! If you have any news, updates or stories you’d like to share on our website or on LinkedIn, please let us know.