Established in 1992, we are registered in Neu-Ulm (D) as a non-profit making trade association, representing the manufacturers and suppliers of sealing devices and materials. The Members of the ESA represent a strong majority of the sealing industry in Europe.
Our focus is on safety, energy efficiency and environmental protection. We are committed to working towards:
- development of appropriate standards
- development of appropriate legislation
- development of sealing technology
- Click here for more information on Aims of the ESA.
We are a democratic, market-led organisation and all decisions and policies are agreed upon through direct voting by our membership. It is our clear intention to maintain high standards in all our operations and to encourage all Members to be so bound. Use the links below for the ESA Code of Conduct and view the Policy on Participation by Members.
Why are we here?
Much of today’s industry is heavily reliant on machinery and delivery systems which can function safely at extremes of pressure and temperature, often associated with high speed and vibration. Sealing devices and materials – which perform a crucial role in the safe containment of fluids – are employed in a wide cross-section of business, including:
- mineral extraction industry
- chemical and petrochemical industries
- power generation and supply industries
- automotive industries
- aerospace industries
- marine industries
- potable and waste water industries
- valve, pump and fluid hydraulics industries
Given the critical importance of sealing to safety, performance and economic growth throughout Europe, we feel that the industry is best represented by a strong voice that is led by its Members.
Click here for the ESA Satzung / Statutes
Click here for ESA Code of Conduct
Click here for the Policy on the Participation of Members