This year the Annual General Meeting of the ESA was held at Castelldefels, near Barcelona, Spain and attendance was high. Over the 3 days 115 people attended and 38 member companies participated in the 8 different meetings. Divisional topics as ever dominated the proceedings and we were also joined by Resolute Research who gave us an insight into KCI Publishing and the reports that they are providing. The CEO lunch was well attended and many of our colleagues from the Fluid Sealing Association in the U.S. were able to share in the proceedings.

The location for the Dinner on the Wednesday evening was nearby on the coastline in a stunning setting which was recommended to us by Victor Calvos from Calvos Sealing. A tour of Barcelona providing the backdrop to a wonderful night out in this beautiful part of Spain.

The minutes of the meetings are held in the Members area and the venue for 2018 will be Mira, Italy 15/16/17 May. The venue and arrangements have yet to be finalised but they will be available later in the year. As always other key dates are held in the News and Events areaof the web site.

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