The Fluid Sealing Association in the U.S.A and the European Sealing Association run joint meetings on several issues affecting both organisations. The meetings cover two product divisions, the Flange Gasket Division and the Packing Division. All meetings are held on line and run by Henri Azibert who can be contacted on the following e mail:

  • Flange Gasket Working Group
    Several different topics are covered which have implications in both organisations. Of interest lately have been a new testing programme for spiral wound gaskets and the Gasket handbook which nears completion. The last meeting was the 30th March and the next is scheduled for the 21st April at 9am EDT. All minutes and associated notes are held in the members area.
    If you require the password please contact Mark Neal.
  • Compression Packing Working Group
    The last meeting was held on the 23rd March. The main topics of interest are the Gasket Handbook, Pump Friction study, Valve Packing Study, Education, Standards & Legislation and Publications.  The next meeting will be on the 27th April 9.00 EDT via Go To Meeting. Minutes and supporting documents are held in the members area.
    If you require the password please contact Mark Neal.

If you would like to attend any of the above joint meetings then please contact either Mark Neal or Henri Azibert whose contact details are above.