We have received two new applications from organisations based in Italy. These have been vetted and approved by the Executive team, and now it is the chance for existing ESA members to ask questions or, if they feel so inclined, object to their application.
If you wish to object, then it must be in writing and substantiated and sent to any member of the Executive team or Mark Neal in confidence. We will then investigate further.
We are also set to hold an event with the objective of attracting new members to the Elastomeric & Polymeric Division. The area around Northern Italy is surrounded by a significant number of large manufacturers who could contribute to the development of this division and who would also benefit from being part of the ESA, particularly in light of the PFAS Restriction Proposal. This will take place on the March 15, 2023. If you know of an organisation that might be interested, please let us know their details by writing to ESA’s Secretary General Mark Neal and we will approach/invite them.