Spotlight on Our Members: Ceetak and OVE Plasmatec


As part of our ongoing "spotlight on members of the ESA" feature, we present Ceetak, a supplier of high-performance sealing solutions since 1974, and OVE Plasmatec GmbH, a family-owned company specializing in surface refinement of elastomers.

News from the Indian Sealing Association


India continues to focus on new and renewable energy, especially across the sectors of Hydrogen, Solar and Nuclear projects. This September also saw two major exhibitions held, Boiler India 2024 and the first Valve World India.

How to Choose the Right CRM for Your B2B Company


A good CRM system can have a significant impact on your company's success, but choosing the right one can be a challenge. Understanding your specific needs and processes helps you choose a solution that will truly support your business growth.

Message From John Morton, Chairman of the ESA


Welcome to this edition of the ESA newsletter. I hope you’ve enjoyed the European summer, whether that meant going on holiday to recharge your batteries or perhaps bingeing on the Olympics. Either way, I hope you are all well and ready for the second half of the year.

PFAS Restriction Update


The US Department of Energy has commissioned a comprehensive study looking specifically at Fluoropolymers, a subgroup of the much larger class of fluorinated chemicals known as per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS). We have summarised the key points covered in this report.

Standards and Legislation Update


The ESA is actively participating in shaping essential regulations for the sealing industry. Find out more about our projects in the Standards and Legislation Update.

The ESA David Mitchell Scholarship


We are pleased to share an end-of-year report from our scholarship student, Ms. Ilya Gladkikh, who has successfully completed her second year in the MEng Aero-Mechanical Engineering program.

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