People within the ESA and their stories

People share their stories and experience of working within the Sealing Industry and the ESA. To read more about each person and their experiences within the sealing industry, click on the link in the title.
Peter Bowden – ESA Technical Director MSD
Peter Bowden The background It would be easy to jump straight to my career in sealing but sometimes a little preamble can say a lot, maybe it will resonate with you, the reader. I am old enough to have gone through the 11 plus and onto Grammar School, not one of my life’s successes. I didn’t have a clear direction where I expected my career to develop but a terrible memory closed down many avenues while a brain that could resolve problems [...]
Ralf Vogel – ESA Technical Director
Ralf Vogel Involvement with the sealing industry and ESA After my graduation as a mechanical engineer, I started working as a R&D engineer in the steel industry. My involvement with the sealing industry started 27 years ago when I accepted an R&D position with Merkel (Later to become Burgmann Packing). I received good training by learning from experienced colleagues. My early involvement with the ESA helped me to get a better insight into issues such as legislation and standards. Also working [...]
David Edwin-Scott
David Edwin-Scott David is the Technical Director of the Elastomeric & Polymeric Seals Division and the Packings Division within the ESA. His history of working with Sealing Devices is covered by an article written by himself for our news letter entitled the Accidental Sealing Engineer. His knowledge and experience is incredible yet he started off not knowing what to expect. Having travelled the world and enjoyed so many life changing experiences within this industry perhaps you might also want to follow in [...]