We are pleased to confirm that the 2020 Annual General Meeting of the European Sealing Association will be held in Vienna on the 5th, 6th and 7th May 2020.
With the assistance of the Klinger Group and Lenzing Plastics, both long standing members of the ESA, we have located a suitable hotel close to the centre of Vienna. The Hotel Savoyen will host the 3-day event and can accept reservations for these dates (details below).
The format will be very similar to previous years with divisional meetings held on Tuesday and Thursday and the General Meeting and workshops held on Wednesday. We will also host a dinner for members and their partners on Wednesday evening at the spectacular Kunsthistoriches Museum.
The link to provisional schedule is below and the meetings are for invited guests and ESA members only.
Hotel and Reservations
The room rate is €190 per night (including breakfast) and can be cancelled up to 14 days before at no cost. If there is a cancellation within 14 days, 100% of the room rate is payable.
To make reservations, please use our reservation link: https://www.austria-trend.at/book/European_Sealing_Association
The provisional schedule for AGM 2020 can be found in the Members Area of the ESA website. (If you require the password, please contact Mark Neal.)