We are pleased to confirm that the ESA will be participating in the BHR Group’s 25th Conference on Fluid Sealing that will be held in Manchester on the 4th and 5th March 2020.
Below is more information from the organisers on the conference and you will see that there is a 20% discount for any ESA member alongside the booking information.
We are also pleased to confirm that David Mitchell and David Edwin-Scott will be presenting a paper entitled the ‘Industrial Emissions Directive compliance and the sealing industry’. An overview of the recently completed ESA Fugitive Emissions Reduction Document will be covered during the presentation.
Information from BHR Group
BHR Group’s 25th Conference on Fluid Sealing
Manchester, 4th-5th March 2020
Sealing systems have become a major success story. Once everyone knew where a seal was fitted and how to change it. Now seals are usually installed well away from view and only come to the attention of end users in the very rare event of a leakage occurring. This has been achieved through improvements in design, material developments and taking a systems approach where all components, such as metal interfaces, are considered.
However, the challenges for seal operation continue to become more extreme. We have competing demands of pressures, temperatures, chemicals, restrictions on leakage, requirements for ‘fit and forget’, self-monitoring, maintenance prediction, energy efficiency and even the concept of self-adjusting seals.
The conference offers the opportunity for Systems and Process Engineers, Materials Technologists, equipment operators and end users to update themselves on developing technologies, to meet world experts on sealing systems, to learn from applications, case studies and practices and to discuss opportunities with service and product suppliers.
In addition to the conference, there is a pre-conference course titled ‘Practical Designs for Sealing Operations and Reliability’. This half day training course can be added to conference registrations or booked independently.
Registration is now open and ESA members receive 20% discount on the full delegate fee when using discount code ESA2020.
For more information see www.bhrgroup.com/events or email the conference organiser on confx1@bhrgroup.com.