The Packings Division performed comparative emission tests at Amtec with a fugitive emission die-formed packing set and packing cut from lengths. Based on the test results, Packings Division chairman Stefan Schultz and Ralf Vogel created a paper entitled “Valve Stem Sealing for Fugitive Emissions”, which was presented at the Valve World Conference in Düsseldorf and well received. Another test project was started with Amtec and the University of Mannheim to perform packing tests at room and elevated temperatures to compare helium and hydrogen leakage.
The Mechanical Seals Division issued an information bulletin regarding API 682 Plan 53B. Also, a position paper about secondary seals in mechanical seals and TA-Luft was created. In addition, all divisions have been working on training presentations. A troubleshooting presentation was added to the Knowledge Base by the Packings Division and the Flange Gaskets Division issued an “Introduction to Flange Gaskets” training module.

Ralf Vogel, ESA Technical Director
Seven technical articles were published by ESA members in Valve World magazine last year, as well as an article from the Expansion Joints Division in Hose + Coupling World. ESA is also involved in ISO standard work. The Elastomeric Division initiated a new standard proposal ISO/CD 5119 “Low Temperature Sealing Capability of Elastomeric Seals — Test Methods”. Ozan Devlen is the convenor of the ISO TC131 SC7 WG10 working group developing this standard. The other ISO standard under development is ISO 12101 “Industrial valves — Measurement, test and qualification procedures for fugitive emissions — Classification system and qualification procedures for type testing of stem seals for valve emissions”. ESA is a liaison member of the ISO working group TC 153/WG 5. ESA member Emmanuel Sauger is the convenor of this working group.
ESA is also a liaison member of CEN TC197 “Pumps”. Last year, we submitted a standard proposal for a packings material standard. Despite receiving enough “yes” votes in a ballot to go forward, we did not receive enough commitment from the member countries to send experts for the working group. At the moment, we are trying to get ESA Packing Division members to be appointed as experts to have enough support for a new ballot.
Ralf Vogel,
Technical Director