As part of the partnership between ESA and Resolute Research BV, Resolute Research have produced a Global Valve Market Report for the ESA. It covers the size of the market by type of valve and geographical location. ESA members receive this report free of charge and compliments the Pump Market report.

ESA Members can find the Global Valve Market Report and other Resolute Research reports in the Members Area. If you require the password please contact Mark Neal.

Scope of the Report:

  • Valve Types: gate, globe, ball, plug, butterfly, check, pinch, pressure relief, and other reflecting on/off service or process control.
  • Valve Industries: oil & gas; refinery, petrochemical, power, metals & mining, pulp & paper, paints & coatings, food & beverage, pharmaceutical, semiconductor, water & wastewater, desalination, marine, and general industrial.
  • Valve Geographic Markets: 64 countries covering 96% of world GDP.
  • Valve Suppliers: hundreds of valve manufacturers, worldwide.
  • Narrative: analysis of valve technologies, applications, markets, suppliers, OEM’s, distributors, EPCs, trends, drivers, and forecasts.